Monday, February 1, 2010

Game Progression Glitch Final Fantasy 9 - Glitch Hindering Game Progression?

Final Fantasy 9 - glitch hindering game progression? - game progression glitch

I am on the third CD, the Desert Palace. Frankly, I have not even played the game in a good year for failure, so I do not remember history. I overleveled and probably start the game again, but with this decision, it is impossible to win the game.

I'm in the area where a statue of an angel and a demon statue. I have come to rely on the stairs, but if I am the ladder is up, the boss does not think. I have read many guides and tried everything. Supposedly Valia Pira is chief should trigger here, but to walk the stairs to the bridge and find nothing there.



rascalfl... said...

Once up the stairs, magic, you're the tail in a room. Continue straight ahead and try to light the candle. This makes the head appear.

ripplema... said...

The disc does not appear to have stripes. .-.

I tried to examine the wall, nothing. = / Has tried to be on the light too bright.

secretse... said...

You may call the company and it can not be replaced if the CD is scratched, then perhaps until you could try the CD doctor, you can get at Best Buy, or I should probably get another or download it or something.

jason g said...

Its been a bit since I played FF9, but if I remember right, where a few candles in this area that could be activated or deactivated, but they have not already done so. The stairs will be maintained as far as possible. Was there anything that could be used to activate somthing like an investigation into a wall or somthing?

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